Michael Munoz - PhotographerRecent Posts


Cherrydale - Arlington, VA

I drive by the Cherrydale Hardware store located on Route 29 in Arlington, VA every morning on my way to work. This store speaks Americana to me every time I pass by. The windows are filled with vintage Radio Flyer wagons and bbq equipment. It gives me a feeling of what it would be like back in the 1960s. I would buy my tools from here any day versus going to the Home Depot.

Old Town Ashburn

If you blink you'll miss this place. This is by far the smallest "Old Town" designated area I've ever seen - it's literally about a block in size. Nonetheless, it's a major stop on the W&OD trail where bikers can rest up and pick up a snack at Carolina's BBQ Brothers.  Along the trail is the Old Ashburn Mill which is now an antique furniture store.  There are also a couple of other stores and a historic fire station and post office to check out. Here are some photos I made below.