Personal Work

RJ + Young Soon

Here are some photos of my friend RJ and his fiance Young Soon. We did an impromptu shoot right before happy hour. I was trying to catch the little bit of light that was left before sundown. These two are great looking couple!

Finally Snow!

Well the weather forecasters were finally right with this one.  The DC area received a good amount snow which stifled yesterday evenings commute.  It took me close to 5 hours to get home.  Anyway, here are couple of photos from this morning of Noah and I shoveling snow.  Arlene took the one with me in it.

Child's Play at the National Building Museum

Today, I went downtown with the little guy to check out the National Building Museum.  I used to spend many lunch breaks here when I worked downtown for a couple of clients.  The neat thing about this museum is it has become a kid friendly place where they can run around and play with building blocks and other lego type items.  This place is always packed with moms and dads hanging with their kids...especially on this cold DC Friday.