Personal Work

Cherrydale - Arlington, VA

I drive by the Cherrydale Hardware store located on Route 29 in Arlington, VA every morning on my way to work. This store speaks Americana to me every time I pass by. The windows are filled with vintage Radio Flyer wagons and bbq equipment. It gives me a feeling of what it would be like back in the 1960s. I would buy my tools from here any day versus going to the Home Depot.

Diggy the Boston Terrier

Have you ever been inspired by something and applied it consciously? I think this is the first post where I actually did just that. I saw some photos on a blog post at Ali Harper Photography and wanted to do something similar. Ali Harper is an amazing artist!  I don't know her, but her blog site is pretty rad.

My brother and his Boston Terrier - Diggy, were troopers. They braved the cold and light mist to let me shoot. With all the construction around my brother's place, it made Diggy look like a junkyard dog.