Wedding Tea Ceremony
This past Saturday I had the opportunity to second shoot a wedding for the talented Akins Lawal. He is one of the best photographers I know and one of the reasons I started shooting weddings. The wedding was a traditional Chinese/Vietnamese wedding which included a Tea Ceremony. I made this photo below of the grandmother giving her blessing to the couple. While I was taking the photo, I felt the moment as I was watching this proud elder pass along her wisdom and blessings to the young couple.
I'll have more photos of this wedding in the near future.

My Dog, Shea!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here are a couple of photos of my dog Shea. I made these while I was at my parents' house during Thanksgiving weekend. At the time, I was sitting on my mom's couch and I notice some really nice light in the backyard and decided to take some shots. Of course I grabbed my dog Shea, my trusty model who never complains. These were taken with my Nikon D90.