Film Is Not Dead | Personal Work | Austin, TX

I had a chance to shoot some personal work during FIND Austin. Lately, I've been gravitating towards people on my own personal shoots. I especially love meeting independent business owners and photographing them in front of their establishments. I met a few while in Austin.

Film Is Not Dead (FIND) Austin Review

Deciding to attend FIND Austin, was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It wasn’t an easy one, but for me, I felt I needed something that would help me build more confidence shooting film. For those of you who don’t know what FIND is – it’s a 3-day workshop facilitated by the one and only Jonathan Canlas that focuses on shooting film, inside and out. The workshop covers various techniques about shooting film, covering weddings and touches a bit on the business side of photography. Each day included actual shoots with three awesome couples (Day 1), a couple of families (Day 2), and one with an emphasis on personal work (Day 3). Another valuable part of the workshops was the group critiques. It was a great opportunity to get some feedback from Jonathan and have some great discussions with other attendees.

For me, it was all about the experience. From meeting Jonathan and the rest of the FINDers crew, everyone was straight up cool – no egos whatsoever (that’s something emphasized before attending the workshop). Having everyone at the house was an awesome experience too. You’re literally immersed into film (and food) all three days. Having access to Jonathan and the other FINDers to share experiences and geek out on photography was awesome! I can honestly say that I’ve walked away from the workshop with some great new friends!

Big ups to Jonathan for sharing his knowledge and experience – he’s an awesome teacher and storyteller (both visually and verbally). Also, special thanks to Catherine Abegg and Charlotte Beck from the FIND Lab. Catherine was awesome taking care of the attendees and keeping us entertained ☺. And special thanks to my fellow FIND Austin crew – you guys are awesome and hope that our paths cross in the near future.

Here are some photos I took from the workshop. Keep checking back for more photos from FIND Austin!

Here's are some photos of the awesome models we shot at the workshop. I'll be post more of them later this week.