
Brunch at the Maralit's

Just when you thought the Holiday's were over, the Maralit's kick it up a notch with a killer spread and some good times!  This was probably the first time I never had to ask folks to say "cheese" -- it was smiles all around!  Thanks Marlan and Leslie!  Check out the photos below.

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So long Christmas...Family Secret Santa

Here are some photos from our annual sibling Secret Santa gift exchange.  This year our friend Eric B. (honorary Munoz sibling, I've known him since pre-school) offered to host.  As you'll notice below our gatherings have turned into wine and sippy cup nights.  Everyone usually brings over a hodgepodge of dishes and wine and go to town.  I made spicy shrimp and ginger pork steamed dumplings, Eric made pot roast, Mae and Dennis brought over bread and cheeses, and Jason and April brought over so Korean rice wine.  And of course everyone brings vino.

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